Dental Health and Disease - The Dangers of Root Canals and Amalgams with Dr. Blanche Grube – Part 2

2 years ago

Your dental health has a direct impact on your overall health!

Join Dr. Hotze and special guest, Dr. Blanche Grube as they continue their discussion on the correlation between dental health, root canals, amalgams, and systemic disease.

Dr. Grube is a renowned thought leader in biological dentistry and is co-developer of the “The Huggins – Grube Protocol.” Dr. Grube was mentored by the late Dr. Hal Huggins and helped him develop an integrated system that incorporates multiple safety factors to enhance immune recovery by removing all toxic materials from the mouth and restoring as holistically as possible. Dr. Grube currently runs The Huggins-Grube Dental Center in Scranton, Pennsylvania.

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