Tulsi Gabbard leaves Democrats

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1 year ago

Tulsi Gabbard leaves Democrats
By Terry A. Hurlbut
Former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) is not a Democrat anymore. She won’t say what she is going to be, moving forward, but she is definitely not a Democrat. Arguably she hasn’t been a Democrat since shortly after pResident Joe Biden took office. Yesterday, in the inaugural video of her new show, she made it official. With whatever motive, she served the Democratic Party with an indictment against which they will not easily defend, if they can defend at all. But if her motive is sincere, she will have to repudiate many earlier speeches – and votes.
Tulsi Gabbard begins a new show
Yes, The Tulsi Gabbard Show premiered yesterday on YouTube. One can see the channel at this link. More important than the channel link, is her premiere episode, which she titled “Leaving the Democratic Party.”
She left an abbreviated version of her reasons for leaving the Democratic Party on a Twitter thread, which anchors here.
Here is the short transcript, from Twitter:
I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly woke-ness, who:
Divide us by racializing every issue,
Stoke anti-white racism,
Actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms,
Are hostile to people of faith and spirituality,
Demonize the police and protect criminals at the expense of law-abiding Americans,
Believe in open borders,
Weaponize the national security state to go after political opponents, and above all:
Are dragging us ever closer to nuclear war.
I believe in a government … of, by, and for the people. Unfortunately, today’s Democratic Party does not. Instead, it stands for a government of, by and for the powerful elite. I’m calling on my fellow common-sense independently minded Democrats to join me in leaving the Democratic Party. If you can no longer stomach the direction [in which] so-called woke Democratic Party ideologues are taking our country, I invite you to join me.
See also her interview with Tucker Carlson:
Supporting evidence
CNAV will vouch for every word of her indictment. We have covered every particular she mentioned. Regular readers can remember our essays on:
• Critical theory. In fact Tulsi Gabbard might have observed that these “woke Democrats” promote anti-male sexism, and anti-normal alternative-lifestyle-ism.
• Gun control, including the open defiance of the Supreme Court in New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v. Bruen. (Search also on Second Amendment.)
• The weaponization of the FBI and the obvious protection of criminals. See “Law and Disorder.”
• Faith, spirituality, and how these provide good precepts of government.
And last, and possibly most pressing, the Russia-Ukraine War. This includes the sabotage of the Nord Stream Pipeline. Not one person of even passing intelligence can doubt any longer that some NATO power blew it up. If you doubt that, consider these photographs of a NATO drone that Gazprom found next to Nord Stream 1 seven years ago.
Is the United States complicit in the ruining of the Nord Stream Pipeline? Remember: the pResident threatened something of the kind back in February. Add to it the apparent willingness, if not eagerness, of Western powers to join nuclear battle with Russia. That’s why Contributor Darrell L. Castle declared that the inmates had taken over the asylum. Add to it her flat accusation (with evidence) that the United States funded biological weapons development laboratories in Ukraine.
A mixed record
Having said all the above, Tulsi Gabbard has a mixed record. Darrell L. Castle gave her credit, three years ago, for “speaking truth to the establishment.” In January of 2021 Bradlee Dean praised her for calling a domestic-terrorism bill “a targeting of almost half the country.”
But John Anthony (Sustainable Freedom Lab) cautioned that she must answer for her votes in favor of measures that favor many of the very things she criticizes today. She cast many of these votes in the same year she was calling Hillary Clinton the Queen of Warmongers.
None of this absolves the Democratic Party of the crimes of which Tulsi Gabbard accuses them. They are under the control of an elite cabal. This cabal – the World Economic Forum – does more than promote useless and dangerous warfare. They seek to create one government for the world, a government they control. To that end they promoted the Great Reset in an effort to create a global command economy. And further to that end, they do stoke resentment against straight white cis-gendered males – the essence of Critical Theory. They do weaponize federal investigators and weaken or destroy local law enforcement. A thief is an irregular wealth-redistribution agent, and a murderer is an irregular punisher of wrongthink – or population thinner.
But why didn’t Tulsi Gabbard identify this controlling elite? Doesn’t she know who they are?
How did Tulsi Gabbard get mixed up with the Democratic Party anyway?
Tulsi Gabbard tells us how that happened. She began with a deep environmental consciousness. Growing up in Hawaii, with its contrast between natural beauty and rapid development, led her into politics. The Democratic Party attracted her then because they opposed the Vietnam War, while the Republican Party supported it. She also accused the Republican Establishment of that day of supporting “big business” in exploitation of labor and consumer alike. And no doubt, much of what she says was true! Only the reputation of the Bolsheviks and their successors the Communists, and especially that of Nikita S. Khrushchev, could have excused anyone for wanting to continue that war. But she forgot to mention that Democrats started the Vietnam War. Only when Lyndon Johnson didn’t run again, and men like “Clean Gene” McCarthy, Edmund Muskie, and especially George S. McGovern gained the ascendancy, did the Democratic Party become the Anti-war Party.
Today she expresses shock and astonishment that this administration, and the Big Tech Axis, would behave as they are behaving. In blunt fact, we see the logical endgame of the Marxism the Democrats embraced, beginning with the politicians CNAV named above. She professes a respect for the Constitution and correctly accuses the Democrats of disrespecting it. But how could she have missed this salient fact: that, to a Marxist, any Constitution is just a scrap of paper? That was true also of the attitude of the Soviet Communist Party toward their own Constitution.
When did she start being friendly toward people of faith?
She speaks eloquently of the Democrats’ complete lack of respect for people of faith, and for pro-life people. How, then, does she explain her votes, as John Anthony listed them? What position does she take on matters of faith?
Tulsi Gabbard seems to be on more solid ground in defending the Second Amendment. When she speaks about this, she speaks forthrightly and unequivocally to support an individual right to keep and bear arms.
She seems to have lost her sympathy for transgender persons, and especially for biological males who opt for surgical alteration and then compete as women and take from women all their athletic records. To say that men and women do differ biologically, is heretical for anyone who ever called herself a Democrat. But now she says it – because she sees what’s happened to women’s sports. Why, then, didn’t she see that before? What took her so long to declare that surgical mutilation and hormonal poisoning, if our society is to allow such things at all, should be reserved for adults only?
In sum: Tulsi Gabbard gives on-target indictments of Democratic Party ideology and policy. But before any conservative can trust her, she must repudiate a slew of votes she has cast, and public pronouncements she has made.
Link to:
The article:

The Tulsi Gabbard Show:
Channel link:
Premiere episode:

Tulsi’s Twitter thread:

Interview with Tucker Carlson:

Tweet with pictures of NATO drone at Nord Stream One, 2015:

Tulsi’s accusation about biowarfare labs in Ukraine:

“Queen of Warmongers”:

Conservative News and Views:

The CNAV Store:

Our Silver Lines

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