10 Things We Forget When We’re Feeling Overwhelmed - Matthew Kelly

2 years ago

You're Not You When You're Overwhelmed

10 Things We Forget When We’re Feeling Overwhelmed - Matthew Kelly

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Video Transcript:

“Overwhelmed feels like being buried alive. It feels like you are drowning. It’s a state of panicked anxiety and when we are in that space we are not thinking clearly. Here are 10 things we forget when we feel overwhelmed…

1. Not everything we think is true. Our mind plays tricks on us. What’s the truth here? You cannot do it all at once. That’s true. You cannot handle it all at once. That’s true. You can handle it one thing at a time. That’s the most important truth in this situation.

2. This is temporary. This too shall pass. You’ve been here before and you got through it. You will get through this.

3. You got this. You can do this. You know how to get through this, you know what you need to do, you just aren’t thinking clearly at this moment.

4. You don’t need all the answers and a total plan to move forward.

5. Feelings are not always connected to reality. Overwhelmed is a feeling. But you are not your feelings, and your emotions are not your life.

6. We forget to breathe. In stressful situations we sometimes hold our breathe without even realizing it when what we need is the exact opposite. Oxygen makes clear thinking possible. Breathe deeply. Fill your body with the oxygen your mind needs to navigate this situation.

7. Doing nothing will only sustain these feelings of being overwhelmed. If nothing changes, nothing changes. Change something right now. Overwhelmed is a feeling of helplessness. Take back your power immediately. Do something to move you out of this state.

8. Gratitude changes our state of mind every time. What are you grateful for? (see 4 signs)

9. Our problems are usually not as bad as we think they are and not as unique as we think they are. Ask any therapist. Other people in history have been through some version of what you are going through and they found a way…

10. It’s amazing how quickly things can turn around. The smallest step in the right direction can shift the momentum of your life.

We all get overwhelmed from time to time. This isn’t the last time it’s going to happen to you, but it is time to develop a strategy to deal with it."

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