Crazy Casual Custom Clash Rules Video | #CCCC

1 year ago

This is a rules video for the Crazy Casual Custom Clash (#CCCC) tournament!

There are 3 tiers of events that will give points!
20 Points:
Win Game!
Play 5 AD champs!
Play 5 AP champs!
Play 5 Melee champs!
Play 5 Ranged champs!
10 Points:
Play 5 champs from the same region!
Play 5 female or 5 male champs
Whole team ≤10 deaths total!
End game before 30 mins!
1 Point:
Each Death (10 max per game)

It is possible to win any number of these events at a time (i.e. if a team of 5 AD, 5 Ranged, 5 female champs win a game with 6 deaths total they would get 76 points)

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