According2Sam #136 'Changuito'

1 year ago

Democrats make many accusations against Republicans these days in the hyper-political environment we are currently living in. They call Republicans greedy, misogynistic, anti-democratic, and much more; but the go to indictment that Democrats charge Republicans with is the accusation of racism. It is an interesting play, because the history of racism Democrats claim to want to repair is the racism of the Democratic Party. Today the Democratic Party says they stand for diversity, equity, and inclusion, but for 100 years the party was the biggest obstacle to equality. Today Democrats control both houses of Congress. They control the White House. They are in charge in all of the largest cities in American, so where is the equality? They say if you just give us more power we can finally defeat those evil, racist, Republicans and make America more equal and just, but what have they done with the power they already have? Is the Democratic Party free of racism and now dedicated to equality, or is it the same old Democratic Party? How does the story about Democrat L.A. City Council President, Nury Martinez demonstrate that it's the same old Democratic Party? Join the conversation and get answers to this question and more on According2Sam episode #136.

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