Making time to go Camping with Family is SO Important!

2 years ago

Using the @onX Offroad app we discover a new place to explore near Mount Hood Oregon. Get the app here and save 20% when you use code "maxx20"
Des and I had an amazing experience exploring the area and enjoying the outdoors with the Mammoth Overland Trailer we borrowed, there's just something about knowing you're going to have a comfortable night. When we were hungry and tired we picked out a camp site next to a small rock quarry and enjoyed our outdoor kitchen experience for a while before making a bon fire and making classic smores with the kids. It was a perfect evening with low winds and excellent visibility and the most gorgeous sunset but unfortunately my drone wasn't working so I decided it would be best if I climbed a large tree to get a better view. Im glad i did because it got me excited about life and i went into a bit of a rant about life and how important it is to get out of your comfort zone, take risks and work hard but also and the equal importance of making time for rest, family and fun.

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