The Biggest CORRUPTION SCANDAL In The History Of Mankind

1 year ago

4.5 billion doses for 450 million people. That means every European has to be injected 10 times with something that nobody in the world – except maybe two or three people – knows what's in it, emphasizes Kolakusic.

We're talking about secrets, protected patents. No government, no agency knows exactly what is in this product, says the MEP.

How is that possible?
They approved that vaccine based on statements made by the vaccine makers themselves. They have not been sent any medical examinations. To date, no medical research has been submitted to the European Parliament's corona committee or to the European Medicines Agency (EMA), according to Kolakusic.

"How is that possible? We are talking about corruption here.” According to him, the purchase of the 4.5 billion vaccines is the largest corruption scandal in world history.

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