Jesus: The Man and His Works (1905) by Wallace D. Wattles

1 year ago

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Book Description:
Jesus: The Man and His Works was first published in 1905 by Wallace D. Wattles of "The Science of Getting Rich" fame, which later led Rhonda Byrne and Robert Proctor to create "The Secret." This work gives those interested in Wattles a deeper look into the past that make the man who he was. He dedicated his time at the side of Eugene Debs to the creation of Christian Socialism and Christian Communism in America.

Before McCarthyism took hold, it was widely seen through the Social Gospel and the New Deal of Franklin Delano Roosevelt (or which books like this one pushed FDR to make a reality) that it was a good and proper thing for the progressive elements of Christianity to be applied to the government of the people, by the people and for the people. This work illustrates with eviscerating clarity how those who claim to be Christians MUST dedicate themselves to the poor, just as Jesus did. And in a scientific age, that means managing the economy in a scientific way as well, so that the children of the poor -- "the least of these" -- have just as much chance at success as the children of the rich and wealthy.

0:00 - Introduction
0:31 - Foreword
02:58 - Jesus: The Man and His Works
1:00:50 - Outro/Discussion

Text - Wallace D. Wattles
PDF - Donald G. Carty
Audio Narration - Tyler McConnell
Visual Photography and Editing - Tyler McConnell
Produced by Tyler McConnell in his small home studio in rural Salem, Missouri.

This YouTube book is copyright ©2022 Tyler McConnell

General Disclaimer:
This book is intended for academic research purposes and independent study and may not reflect the exact views and opinions of Tyler McConnell (duh). It may contain examples of antiquated language or ideas that may not necessarily reflect the opinions of Tyler McConnell or his comrades.

About Tyler McConnell:
The audiobooks on this channel are made in the spirit of love to provide resources that I WISH were on the internet and that I personally would love to learn from. My two passions in life are New Thought Christianity and philosophy (the spiritual) and Marxist-Leninist philosophy and Communism (the material).

By providing high-quality audiobooks through which individuals can learn more about the reality of these two philosophical schools of thought, I believe we can develop the confidence in ourselves (through the former, realizing we are immortal children of God) to put in action a government that is truly of the people, by the people, and for the people (the latter, through providing a philosophical and scientific basis for working together and truly being our brother's keeper to build a world that provides for the good of all -- not just a select few). Please subscribe and comment what you think. Choose kindness! The world is what we make it together.

This channel was inspired by courageous creators like:
@Master Key Society (inspiration for thumbnail and project)
@Caleb Maupin (courage to put myself out there for the cause)
@Brian Scott (inspiration for project)
@Infrared (helping me get out of my liberal, "Anglo Box")
@Joseph Rodrigues (for being my favorite ENTJ)
@The Jimmy Dore Show (for being the best there is at political talk)
@Giving Voice to the Wisdom of the Ages (for the inspiration, and a 1000+ amazing audiobooks!)
@The Duran (for top-notch daily commentary)
@RichardDWolff and @Democracy At Work (for showing me socialism wasn't evil and actually worked)
@The Left Lens with Danny Haiphong (for showing me China was actually based)
@The Dive with Jackson Hinkle (for showing me the path I should've taken at 20 years old)
*And many, many, many more...

Authors who've inspired this channel:
Ralph Waldo Emerson, Karl Marx, Napoleon Hill, Vladimir Lenin, Neville Goddard, Che Guevara, James Allen .... and a billion others I'll add later.

I love nothing better than to learn through visual audiobooks. Whether you have a disability, or you are just recovering from a made up capitalistic illness like me to sell more pills for the pharmaceutical industry (ADHD-PI), I hope you'll appreciate this format, learn from it, and be kinder to your fellow man because of it.


Tyler McConnell

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