Dear Modern Women - You're Ruining Our Society

2 years ago

Dear Modern Woman,

I'm writing to you because, as a modern woman, you've made a choice that I believe will impact the rest of your life. You've chosen to be unruly.

You see, being unruly is not an accident. It's not something you were born with or an aspect of your personality that just happened over time. It's a choice, and you can choose not to be unruly.

But there's a catch: in order for you to make this decision, you have to look at yourself critically and make sure that what you are doing is actually helping you achieve your goals in life. If it isn't-if it's actually holding you back-then it's time for a change!

And when we say "change," we don't mean throwing away everything about yourself and becoming someone else entirely (that would be impossible anyway). We mean changing those aspects of yourself that are holding you back from being successful both personally and professionally.

So ask yourself: What do YOU want out of life? And how can YOU get there
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