Daily Energy Oracle Reading 🔥

1 year ago

10/12 Daily Energy Oracle Reading! Pele~ Light Your Fire~ Channel your creative and emotional passion. Get energized.~
Pele is the passionate goddess of volcanoes and fire who created the Hawaiian Islands. Said to dwell in the crater of the Kilauea volcano, Pele’s molten lava both creates and destroys. Pele’s spirit lived in the volcano, shapeshifting and reappearing to the Hawaiian people. Powerful yet capricious, she can succumb to outbursts of jealousy that create volcanic eruptions. She shows us how to work creatively with intense, volatile energies and harness our inner fire.~
Pele explodes into your world with volcanic force and searing heat, so prepare to be shaken and stirred. You may have been doing a good job at keeping a lid on your emotions and passions, but something might be about to erupt! As long as you channel them positively, you can boldly let your fiery feelings and creative juices flow.
If you’ve been feeling lackluster recently, Pele is here to light the fire in your belly. Imagine this flaming goddess standing in front of you, warming up your solar plexus. She sends energizing sparks throughout your entire body. Pele invites you to turn up the heat in your life. Be an ardent lover, an enthusiastic contributor, a fervent force of dynamic creativity. Don’t withhold your passion. Live with your soul on fire.
Affirmation: “I express intense energy In positive ways. I embrace the fire within.” ❤️🔥🌋🚀💨 #pele #northeasttarot

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