60 Years after Vatican II - Ukraine Crisis - COVID News

2 years ago

Today on "Catholic Drive Time":

Catholic Drive Time - 877-757-9424

Date – Wednesday, October 12, 2022 –

INTRO – Understanding the Roots of the Ukraine-Russia Conflict, Eric Sammons joins us.
And – Pfizer admits COVID vaccine was never tested for transmission??? Dr. Jose Trasancos weighs in.
Also – David L Gray – 60 years after Vatican II

Quick News -
Legendary actress Angela Lansbury dies at 96 – Murder She Wrote
Not only did the FBI offer Christopher Steele $1million on the Russia-Gate story... also, Wisconsin Family Action, a pro-life organization that was set ablaze and vandalized, said the FBI has not been in touch with them about the horrifying attack since May.
The CDC will not release its review of post-COVID-19-vaccination heart inflammation.
Tom Cruise to walk in space.... the next Mission Impossible? Top Gun 3? Who knows!
Most Dangerous cities in California? Fremont, California, being the safest city with a score of around 80 out of 100. The most dangerous city was San Bernardino, California, with a score of 54.4.

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What’s Concerning Us –
- Pfizer admits COVID vaccine was never tested for transmission??? Dr. Jose Trasancos weighs in.

Guest Seg. Understanding the Roots of the Ukraine-Russia Conflict, Eric Sammons joins us.
In his short book, Abelow examines how Western arrogance toward Russia since the fall of the Soviet Union—expanding NATO to Russia’s borders, unilaterally abandoning nuclear arms treaties, placing missile installations within those new NATO countries close enough to destroy Moscow within 15 minutes, ignoring repeated warnings from Russia about Ukraine’s entrance into NATO, and assisting in a coup that overthrew the pro-Russian leader of Ukraine in 2014—all laid the groundwork to today’s conflict.
In a recent podcast, I urged Catholics to look to the model of Blessed Karl of Austria, the “Peace Emperor” during World War I. Even though it was his uncle who was assassinated, thus setting off the War to End All Wars, he never gave into a war-mongering Narrative and instead relentlessly sought peace.

2nd Guest Seg. - David L Gray – 60 Years of Vatican II

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