Jake Tapper Asks Biden to His Face About Criminal Charges for Hunter

1 year ago

Jake Tapper Asks Biden to His Face About Criminal Charges for Hunter

“Our reporting, CNN’s reporting, and The Washington Post reporting suggests that prosecutors think they could — they have enough, to charge your son, Hunter, for tax crimes, and a false statement about a gun purchase.

“Personally and politically, how do you react to that?” Tapper asked.

“Well, first of all, I’m proud of my son. This is a kid, who got — not a kid, he’s a grown man. And he got hooked on, like many families have had happened, hooked on drugs.

He’s overcome that. He’s established a new life. He is, I’m confident that he is — what he says, and does, are consistent with what happens. And, for example, he wrote a book about his problems, and was straightforward about it. I’m proud of him.

He came along and said — by the way, this thing about a gun? I didn’t know anything about it. But turns out that when he made application, to purchase a gun, what happened was he said — I guess, you get asked — I don’t guess. You get asked the question, ‘Are you on drugs? You use drugs?’ He said, ‘No.’ And he wrote about saying ‘No,’ in his book.”

#JoeBiden #JakeTapper #HunterBiden #HunterBidenCriminalCharges

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