1 year ago

Today I would like to explain “What are ENZYMES?”

Enzymes are a large class of protein substances that are produced by our living cells, they are also found in raw foods. Food enzymes pre-digest and deliver nutrients past an incompetent digestive system.

As an analogy - imagine a house on fire. Who comes to the rescue? Fireman. What do they do to stop the fire? They throw chemicals and water to stop the fire. In the process the house gets destroyed on the inside and out, but it is still standing and has a good chance to be rebuild. In order to rebuild what do we need? It’s the materials like wood, screws, sheetrock, doors, windows and etc. Now that we have all the materials, who is going to put it together? The Workers!

Similarly, our body as the house can be on fire with some illness. Doctors as Firemen for the burning house come to the rescue to help us stop or pause the illness in our body. What do they use to help us? The Doctors would give their patients medicine or do surgery. Even though the doctors have stopped or paused the acute illness, the body on inside is all broken down just like the burnt house.

Unfortunately, Medicine just like anything else has its own limitation. But your body has an amazing potential power to rebuild and heal as long as you supply your body with proper resources.

To rebuild and heal our body we need building blocks which are macro nutrients, which are protein, lipids and carbs, which comes from good quality food that we should be eating. Now, in order to put all that together, what do we need? Is our body going to be rebuilt by itself? No, we need workers. In our body enzymes are the workers. They are our work force that helps us break down all the foods that we eat, they help these nutrients being absorbed, transport to different cells that need them to heal and repair. Please understand that vitamins and minerals are not enzymes nor the macro nutrients, they are simply assistant to enzymes.

Unfortunately, enzymes are systematically removed from our food supply in order to extend shelf-life. Essential nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, are added back into processed foods but not the enzymes.
Now, our body is able to produces enzymes - starting in our mouth, in the stomach, then in small intestine via pancreas. As we age, we make less and less of enzymes, but to compensate many enzymes supposed to come from foods that we eat, which nature intended to assist us in our digestion of these foods that we consume on daily bases.

As an example, I have a banana that I have just bought from the store as I was coming to the office, and here is another one that I had laying here on my desk for the past 4-5 days. I am sure that you have also noticed that if you do not consume your banana within first 2-3 days it starts to decompose and look brown and all smooched.
The reason your and my banana starts to look like that is because natural enzymes that are in this banana starting to break down macro nutrients.

As I have mentioned before unfortunately, food industry companies systematically removing enzymes from our foods that we buy especially prepackaged and processed foods in order to extend shelf-life.
On top of all that, enzymes are being destroyed during the cooking process under high temperature.
Ever since I have started utilizing enzymes with my patient’s health care, the results are speechless.

Enzymes require very specific environment in your body for them to work. You have to have specific pH, temperature, proper hydration and food for enzymes to chew on. I will go into deeper detail on this in a different video.
Now Today! If you were to take one thing out of this video, to start the healing process in your body, I would advise you to start with water. Your body is 60-70% water, enzymes are useless if you are not properly hydrated. You should be drinking half of your body weight in ounces. Eat more vegetables and fruits and don’t forget to take your time to chew, which helps your body activate natural enzymes from raw foods. If you wish to be evaluated for enzyme therapy, please feel free finding our contact information below. For any questions you may have please ask in the comments below.

Till next time with more amazing information. Thank you for watching! hope this video helped you understnad what enzyms are.

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