
1 year ago

Why isn't every bird a bird?

Not every bird is a bird, however, every bird is a type of bird. Birds are birds belonging to the order Passeriformes, an order that includes, for example, canaries.

The tiziu is an example of a bird that is also considered a bird.

Birds and birds are terms often used synonymously, however, ornithologists (professionals dedicated to the study of birds) disagree with this usage. Next, we will better understand what birds are and what birds are, making it clearer why the two terms cannot be used synonymously.

→ Why is not every bird a bird?

Birds are a group of animals whose primary characteristic is the presence of feathers, structures related to various functions, including thermal insulation, mate attraction, camouflage and flight. In addition, they stand out for being endothermic animals, having a beak, complete digestive system, pulmonary respiration, closed circulatory system and a heart with four cavities.

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