Black - Eddie Vedder - Pearl Jam - Isolated Vocals - Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy

2 years ago

In this video, we get to hear the Isolated Vocal tracks of Eddie Vedder singing Pearl Jam's Black.

Black - Eddie Vedder - Pearl Jam - Isolated Vocals - Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy

One of these days soon I'm going to get around to doing a cover of this song myself. In my opinion it's one of the best Pearl Jam songs written.

And a very out of the ordinary kind of song for Pearl Jam.

With its haunting memorable verse melodies, and signature sound of Pearl Jam, I thought it would be fun to take a listen to the isolated vocals of this legendary classic.

Let's take a peek!

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Oh, yeah! And here's some news some of you may be interested in:
Some Fun Nostalgia For You.
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#PearlJam #EddieVedder #Black #IsolatedVocals #kentamplinvocalacademy

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