The Last 24 - 008 - Unvax Discrimination, College, Pfizer Vax, BoE Bonds

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This morning on The Last 24 we are going to be doing a deep dive on the Premier of Alberta's statements about the unvaccinated being the most discriminated group she has ever seen in her life, the social and economic issues of having a broken education system, Pfizer admitting that they never tested the vaccines for preventing transmission prior to releasing the MANDATED vaccine marketed and promoted by OUR GOVERNMENT that it would do just that, and the Bank of England reminding everyone that the ship is sinking and that the Bond buy backs would be a very temporary measure that is coming to an end.

Following The Last 24, we will have our Wednesday programming for Best Day Ever. Wednesdays are our day for Politics and History, a show we've dubbed "Cheaper Than Therapy". On today's show we're going to have a discussion about Generational Theory and The Fourth Turning, based on a book and talks by William Stauss and Neil Howe. We'll also be discussion similar concepts from legendary speaker Tony Robbins in his Seasons of Your Life talk.

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