We are being played...

2 years ago

The Russian "invasion" of Ukraine is a staged war, and is the next step of The Great Reset. Russia is in on it, Ukraine is in on it, The whole world-elite platform essentially is in on this. Remember the same people who controlled the world during `covid` are now controlling the orchestration of the so called `war`. They can manipulate the psychology and opinions of everyone on Earth. The media is force feeding pro-Ukraine pro-NWO propaganda down people’s throats. Once the good guys save us all from the bad guys, they will require more trust from us. They will require more control. A one world government will be instated, as well as a one world bank. Your actions will be monitored through social credit systems, to make sure you aren’t a bad guy, so that they can keep protecting you. This is all a theatre, and before our eyes we see people blindly choosing sides, and believing everything that they see or hear.
People are very sensitive to shock value, and it makes them herd into the desired direction that the propaganda tells them to head towards. In this case, this staged war and propaganda is leading us to the full-on acceptance of the NWO, and brainwashed individuals will stand by it tooth and nail that it is a welcomed control.

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