National SHOCK Debate!! Democrat Tumbles Badly as J.D. Vance Schools Tim Ryan in Ohio

1 year ago

There are plenty of intense battles playing out across swing states this midterm season. But none might be as intense as the one between Republican J.D. Vance and his Democrat rival Tim Ryan. Both are fighting for the open Senate seat out of Ohio.

Ryan recently hurt himself, when he vowed to “kill” the MAGA movement. But during a recent debate, Republican Vance simply crushed his leftist opponent.

Ryan tried to take a cheap shot at Vance, saying he “kissed” Trump’s behind. Vance didn’t let him get away with it. From Breitbart:

In response, J.D. Vance, who the congressman is running against, said Ryan has been “caught on video kissing up to Chuck Schumer and begging him for a promotion to his next job.” [..]

“The last few congresses, Tim, you voted for Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden. 100 percent. You consistently tow the party line on every single issue.”

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