2 years ago

Greetings God's Beautiful People! The Most High reminded me to get this message out with URGENCY! HERE is the Message: PRECURSOR IS DECEPTION!!!. The Most High woke me up Early this morning .....after laying on my face, God URGENTLY reminded me of this message. Please People of The Most High God, do not be DECEIVED. No where in the Bible does it tell us that we were going to be warned in the natural before the MOTB will be RELEASED on the MASSES. ( The Precursor drills were done for decades prior with polio, measles, chicken pox/pocks and the Flu shot drill back in 2010).

The word of God has already FOREWARNED ( Heads up/ alerted) us that The MOTB will come. The Bible constantly told us to watch and to pray. Matthew 26:41 Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.

Watch means to line EVERYTHING up with the word of God. Pray, means we are to constantly stay in communication with the Spirit of The Most High God. John 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

The Message of its a "PRECURSOR" is a message ROOTED IN DECEPTION!!! The PRECURSOR agenda is CONSTANTLY feeding the people DECEPTION. The "PRECURSOR" message is STRAIGHT FROM THE PIT OF HELL!!!

The Most High wants you to STOP FOLLOWING those people who keep spreading its a "PRECURSOR" agenda, because that "PRECURSOR" message did not come from The Most High God. The Most High wants you to STOP FOLLOWING those people who are spreading that the MOTB is not here yet. Those people, (that are spreading Precursor and that the MOTB is not here yet), are NOT HEARING FROM THE MOST HIGH GOD. Those people are DOING THE WORK OF THE DEVIL, wether they know it or not, because its a lie!!! You can NOT serve The Most High God by telling LIES. Those people are being used by Satan!!! They are breathing life into Satan's lies and trapping The Most High's people in the spirit of DECEPTION!!! The Spirit of Deception's goal is to lead you to hell!!! God Forbid!!!

Stay prayed up! Much Love!

P.S. Remember to check out my Rumble account "LaKeisla" to stay informed and connected.

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