From War Torn Iraqi Immigrant To Fulfilling The American Dream With Abbas Mohammed

1 year ago

Abbas Mohammed is a BOSS without a doubt. From sleeping on the concrete in war torn Iraq to multi million dollar real estate sales agent all before the age of 23. Abbas’s story is the epitome of the American dream. The amount of success this young man has had already is astounding and we are eager to watch him as he continues to ascend in his career. Abbas is currently focusing on Multi-Family investments as the founder of Model Equity.

Don’t Forget To Reach Out To Abbas Mohammed:

Abbas was raised and born in Iraq, growing up sleeping on concrete floors because his family couldn’t afford to buy beds. He came to the US at the age of 11, and years later, decided to get into Real Estate at the age of 18, paying for his start-up costs on a $5,000 credit card he had at the time. After spending a full year making thousands and thousands of cold calls a day to generate clients, Abbas got his first listing in the Bay Area as an agent, and within a year after that, became one of the top producing agents in the bay area.

2 years into the business, he decided to start running his sales business as an actual business and implemented systems and processes, as well as hiring virtual assistants from all over the world, to expand the business to multiple 7 figures a year.

Abbas became one of the top 50 agents nationwide with RE/MAX in less than 5 years of being in business. Wanting to invest his business cash flow and not being satisfied with buying single family homes or stocks, he eventually decided to invest in Multifamily Apartments.


"I remember asking my family because they were worried about missiles hitting our home and I was like I hope a missile hits our house because I want to know what that feels like. As a fourth grader I remember studying for the 4th grade exam when people were getting shot in the streets."

"People don’t understand how good we have it here. We are living an easy life. I hear people complaining all the time and it is so miniscule in the grand scheme of things."

"I quit on the idea of quitting"

"I stopped seeing success the way I did before. There are multiple different facets to it. There is health, family and other things not just money.”

"When you put yourself out there that is producing at much much higher levels than you ever imagined then it just resets the expectations from where you are at, but also where you could be."

"Business is almost like a journey of self development. The bigger I grow my business the better I think and the better I get at thinking at a bigger scale."

“The less control you have the bigger it gets. When you have one person performing a very specific role they get much better than you ever will.”

“I couldn’t have made any more mistakes my first year. If there is a mistake to be made I already made it.”


•Door knocking 8 hours a day he was 18 years old 245 pounds and he didn’t look like your typical agent. 3 months and he did not get a single lead.
• Started cold calling first with a cell phone one at a time and then I found Mojo. I used to have two phones so I can dial 6 at a time. 8-8PM cold calling. 12 hours a day 7 days a week before I got my first transaction.
• Two months later I got my second lead. Then everything started snowballing. He made $350k and was working at least 16 hours a day. So he looked for a way to fire himself.
• Hired a VA to cold call for him and they were getting a similar amount of leads to him. He grew up to 3 by 2020. Doubled his income and got to about 750k.
• COVID hit and everybody started panicking. I can either scale down like everybody else or I can double down and grow.
• I hired a VA whose job was to simply keep hiring people. They went from 4 VA to 12 VA and they were able to triple their business as a result of that ending up at about 2 million per year.
• Multi family reignited his passion again so he decided to hire two agents to run his business for him so he could focus all his time on multi family because it is so much more exciting and so many other avenues to grow.
• Sticking with it was the biggest thing. I was doing the exact same work when I was making 350k than $0. You just have to be patient. A lot of times things take time if you stick with it long enough you will start seeing results.
• You might have 3 multi million dollar ideas but you can’t build them all at once because your attention isn’t going to be where it needs to be. You need to focus.
•I just want you to do one thing and I want you to be the best of the best at that ONE thing.

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