How To Forget Someone You Love Deeply: 8 Practical Tips

2 years ago

How can I forget someone I love the most?

How can I forget and move on?

How to stop thinking about someone who hurt you?

Once whose name made your heart sing!!!

And how long does it take to forgetting someone you truly loved?

When breakups happen, it feels like we are drowned in a dark sea of pain. The helplessness begins when we are unable to swim through and trying to figure out how to move on with our life.

We want the pain of breakup to end soon. But like everything in life, getting over heartbreak is also a process which takes its own time. Sometimes slow and other times fast. But the eternal question still remains the same: ldquo'Will I ever forget my lover?rdquo'

The question though is, "How to get over someone, for whom you once had such deep feelings for?"

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