Sustainable Horticulture: Discussing Responsible Crop Cultivation With Juan Carlos Díaz-Pérez

2 years ago

Juan Carlos Díaz-Pérez joins the podcast today to discuss his research in vegetable production and physiology. Juan is a Professor in the Department of Horticulture at the University of Georgia where he investigates plasticulture/protected agriculture technologies, how preharvest factors impact postharvest quality, and sustainable/organic vegetable production.

Juan is from Guadalajara, Mexico, where he grew up gardening with his parents. With his passion for horticulture instilled at a young age, Juan has been able to expand his knowledge on this subject and dive deeper into the intricate world of vegetable production…

Jump into the conversation to discover:

• The importance of improving crop production in an environmentally responsible way.
• The ways plastic is enabling farmers to control the cultivation of their crops.
• What “plastic mulch” is, and the role it plays in plant growth.

Horticulture is a subject that is always evolving, and with the uncertainties that the future holds, it is more important than ever to learn how to garden sustainably. Wondering what researchers are doing to explore these possibilities? Tune in now!

You can learn more about Juan Carlos Díaz-Pérez and his research by clicking here!

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