The Tomb of Gilgamesh & the Hillary Rodham Clinton Emails [Extended Edition]

2 years ago

This extended version of the presentation is in regards to the HRC [Hillary Rodham Clinton] email debacle and some peculiar mentions, outside of pedogate of course. This very brief set of two to three key references within two short statements speaks volumes when applied to prior understood information of the same ilk.
We are talking about the discovery and exhumation of the tomb of Gilgamesh. The same Gilgamesh of the supposed "myth" of the Sumerian poem of said name, The Epic of Gilgamesh. What was the true purpose of the invasion of Iraq in 2003 under the George Walker Bush, Jr administration? What was the business of the United States military in the museums and libraries of Iraq? How did so many precious and informationally important artifacts, mostly from the same era as the tomb of Gilgamesh, stolen under the watchful eyes of the United States occupying soldiers? Did the United States military steal these artifacts themselves for examination? Examination of what exactly? Possibly instructions of some sort? What was found in the tomb itself? Was it only non biological artifacts or were there also biological artifacts otherwise known as mummies? If so, how well preserved was said mummy? How big was the body? Is there any visual proof?

All these questions and more we will cover.

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