With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

1 year ago

This is something that I believe is going to legalize all of the wrongs committed against humanity in the past 3 years and possibly shape a new social order and (in)justice system--a contract we have already signed.

And something else that has recently occurred to me regarding these "health watch" devices...if you think being a smoker looks bad on any medical coverage/life insurance then how do you think it will work out for you when they officiate these systems and suddenly all of your private medical information becomes well documented and vital in determining your worth?

Let's get ahead of the curve...I believe that the reasoning behind pushing the "contactless" and digital systems that seemed to be so well justified during the Pandemic are leading to a much more sinister form of entrapment, but we need to band together to thwart it, regardless of any other opinions or objectives this is a good starting point.

We are all human, we are all entitled to basic rights.

Please share if you agree and hit the rumble button, go eat a piece of fruit or something. Stay strong.

My sources are:

“The End of Oil” from the Series “Explained” on Netflix by Vox.

Russell Brand “Oh No. You Were Right” Biometric Payment, June 2022 Podcast.

Russell Brand with Vandana Shiva “THIS Is How We Beat The Great Reset.” August, 2022 Podcast.

“You’ll Never Eat These Products Again After Watching This!” Dr. Pradip Jamnadas, M.D, January 2022.

“Auschwitz 60 Year Anniversary—The Role of I.G Farben-Bayer” Published 27th of January 2005.

“I.G Farben—From Anilin to Forced Labour” by Jorg Hunger and Paul Sander.

“Gray Matter: Too Much Screen Time Damages the Brain” by Dr. Victoria L. Dunckley, MD.

Vandana Shiva “Ecofeminism and the Decolonization of Women, Nature and the Future.” (I highly suggest this one, a wealth of knowledge to be heard here and knowledge is indeed power).

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