#6 The Red Pill & Dating

1 year ago

In this podcast we cover sort of a general view of what is termed as the Red Pill on the internet and some of the topics they talk about such as how the dating market has changed, hypergamy, how we think about someone's past, and our own experiences.

We reference the book The Rationale Male by Rollo Tomassi which is a secular look into the dynamics between men and women and it connects a lot of dots in how we behave. It has a lot of interesting content and opinions but we would definitely advise Christians to read it with the realization the opinions/solutions given are often not of Christian morals.

The Red Pill community points out a lot of truths today but some of the popular content creators advocate for some questionable solutions and those familiar will know what we mean. We hope to continue this conversation in the future and provide a Christian perspective on how to navigate dating a relationships today.

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