SSL Certificates / HTTPS Guide: Where to Get One

2 years ago

* Why the entire Internet has gone crazy about HTTPS / SSL
Google Chrome now labels all websites without valid SSL certificates as “not secure.”
Not using these certificates can also result in search ranking penalties
What is SSL and SSL certificates?
SSL is a security protocol that assures users that the connection between their computer and the site they are visiting is secure. During a connection, lots of information passes between two computers, including what may be highly confidential data such as credit card numbers, user identification numbers, or even passwords.
SSL certificates help increase security by encrypting connections between your website and its visitors.
Thanks to prominent icons, website visitors today can tell at a glance if SSL secures your website.
Which SSL is right for my website?
There are three main types of SSL certificates: Domain Validated, Organization Validated, and Extended Validated.

When purchasing an SSL certificate, you will also need to decide if the intent is for single, wildcard, or multi-domain use.
While it can be tempting to go for the cheapest, you have to consider other factors as well.
These factors include:
- The reputation of the certificate provider
- Support provided
- Certificate management tools
Where can I get an SSL certificate?
There are a large number of Certificate Authorities where you can get SSL certificates. is our top recommendation, but other well-known brands are also around. These include GlobalSign, Digicert, GeoTrust, and more.

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