Start of Something New | Sermon 10/09/2022

2 years ago

John 2:1-11

Six days in total have passed since Jesus began His public ministry as John announced Him as the “Lamb of God.” On the seventh day, which is indicative of creation, Jesus performs His first miracle. Jesus, His disciples, and His own mother are attending a wedding in the town of Cana north of Nazareth and Mary approaches Him to report they have ran out of wine. Jesus answers in a way to put distance between Himself and the will of others. He now has to be about His Father’s work. His mission has begun as Jesus has transitioned in a sense from the son of Mary to the Unique Son of God. His hour, which is the climax of His mission, cannot take place now in its fullest measure but He will show through this miracle something deeper than turning water into wine.

Six stone waterpots that were used for purification rites and uncleanness were filled with water. Jesus turns the water into wine pointing to the fact that the True Bridegroom is here and He will have the ultimate wedding feast. The change of the wine and the abundance of it points to the messianic age that is arriving. What was once for purification is now for celebration because Christ will purify people with His own blood. Jesus not only provides the solution for this wedding feast but also the solution for sinners to be purified so as to be invited to the divine wedding feast of the holy Bridegroom.

The head steward and the bridegroom were responsible for the feast supplies but did not know where this highly superior wine came from. And even so, the servants knew what truly happened and the others didn’t. There is a reversal taking place. Jesus becomes the Head Steward and the Bridegroom, who actually provides and His supply never runs dry. And lowly servants will get to see glorious things take place, they will be exalted while the others humbled. This sign is the first to show a re-creation is taking place. The inauguration of grace is upon them. Things start with a wedding feast and in the Revelation we see it ends with a wedding feast. Just as Jesus promised, they will see the glories of God from heaven coming upon Him and through Him. The glory wasn’t in the miracle, it was in Him. And for that reason, “they believed in Him.”

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