Shill Hunt: Chorky, Fog, and moar with Axe Truth, DJ Based, Raynoth, and other pondfrens

2 years ago

While this pond and ministry are indeed consecrated to the Risen Christ, it also serves as a "honeypot" for shills and bad actors. Part of my jerb as "shill hunter" is to ringfence bad actors, trigger them to attract the NPC programming, and then shine the light of logical critical thinking on them. This serves a few purposes.

First, not all "shills" are bad actors. Some may be patriots who have just awakened and are extremely pissed off. These can typically be reasoned with and either won over to intellectual honesty or at least have a stone put in their shoe before they wander off into the world to consider and contemplate. Some have been patriots who have been awake for awhile but have latched on to narratives with flawed logic or "just so" stories that they refuse to examine critically. Then there are the NPCs who are still in the matrix in some form who simply want to have encounter with their "other" self, the one behind the cognitive dissonance. Among all of these are the bad actors, agents sent to disrupt, slide, divide, demoralize, and distract.

The "Agent Smith" entity is something that many shill hunters track and trace. The concept is that there is a supernatural entity that is actively working against mankind and the return of Christ and it's the best explanation, in my opinion, for the odd patterns that many of us see in this digital and culture war. Once you start looking closely, you'll see the same narratives and attacks coming from many different accounts or people at the same time, almost like they were orchestrated. That COULD be easily explained away as an actual operation. People with a plan that has either been laid out well, or communicate with each other to push certain narratives together in harmony. The problem with that explanation is that we've seen people we know who have engaged in the same narrative like they've been "programmed" and groups that have no apparent connections working together without knowing it. It seems much more likely that there is something beyond the physical world that is affecting people and "nudging" them or guiding them.

In this shill hunt we tackle a few of the more recent bad actors to include chorky, chorky jr, and the most recent serial shill known as "fog". One of the "tells" that we've been focusing on is the "AGREE WITH ME OR ELSE" mentality. In this ministry we allow all manner of opinions and hot takes because we're in pursuit of truth, and the person just cast aside as "wrong" may have had a handle on the truth when all the cards are finally on the table. What we do NOT allow is someone that insists that you MUST agree with them, yet refuses to actually contend and pit their ideas against a comprehensive case for or against their conclusions. "Agree with me or else" does NOT have to be something extremely negative. Here are a few examples.

Agree with me or else you're stupid.
Agree with me or else you worship drumpfy.
Agree with me or else you're not a christian.
Agree with me or else you're a glowie.
Agree with me or else you're a troll.
Agree with me or else i'm leabing bro.
Agree with me or else i'll get you deplatformed.
Agree with me or else i'll post on your content.
Agree with me or else i'll make account after account to attack you.
Agree with me or else you're hurting the movement bro!
Agree with me or else you're a jew.
Agree with me or else i'll doxx you.
Agree with me or else fight me bro.
Agree with me or else I'll arrest yungburg. kek

The list legit goes on and on, with tons of "literally" and "current year" and other NPC tells.

Many have been in this pond and ministry for years, and they can attest to the recurring cycle of shills and bad actors coming in over and over and over... and if we'd just AGREE WITH THEM OR ELSE, they'd go away. We don't do that here. You can believe whatever the hell you want, but you have to have some kind of a leg to stand on and something you can defend logically and critically.

For ME, personally, I am extremely appreciative of these shills. I call them our MVPs, our most valuable players. I have a smol group of frens who are training up to be "shill hunters". They poke suspected shills with a stick to see what comes out so we can either help them on their path or expose them as being insufferable NPCs or even worse ... bad actors. These bad actors are often bernie bro types who see that we're destroying the beast systems with mockery, frog memes, and parallel society/economy and they want that to stop. Since they are incapable of contending against us using logic and reason, they resort to subterfuge. It's like the NPC with the wojak face and maga hat ... they're the REAL patriots, and they'll wade in to cause confusion, contention, and generally distract from the mission.

Now ... with all of this being said, we have no real idea what these people are thinking or what their motives are. We're not Ms. Cleo or mind readers. We cannot just "bumba clot dee cards don't lie".

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