From Iosif Andriasov’s 4th Diary: Iosif and Marina went to the Swedish Consulate.

1 year ago

Iosif Andriasov Philosophy:
From Iosif Andriasov’s 4th Diary (P. 426-428): On April 22, 1982, Iosif and Marina went to the Swedish Consulate.

On April 22, 1982, Iosif and Marina went to the Swedish Consulate. They went up to the consulate on the 38th floor. Unfortunately, no consul was present. A secretary was sitting there. We explained to her that we came to submit documents for permanent residence in Sweden. We gave her the explanatory letter, application forms, and photos. She asked if we had an invitation to work in Sweden. We said no; we talked to Jaan (from the information department), we explained our situation to him; we talked to the consul; he gave us the forms to fill out; they asked us to write a cover letter explaining why we wanted to live in Sweden.

The Secretary said: I can't understand anything from the explanatory letter. What is this "Unified Field Theory."

Iosif said: We informed Jaan. We gave him materials, documents.

The Secretary said: And what did he tell you?

Iosif said: He'll report everything to the Swedish government, it's a very important work, an unusual case. In the meantime, we were asked to submit the documents to the consular department, they will be sent to Sweden and they will decide there.

The Secretary said: Are you looking for work in Sweden?

Iosif said: Yes.

The Secretary said: You know that there are very few jobs there?

Iosif said: Yes.

The Secretary said: For both?

Iosif said: Either for both, or for either one of us.

The Secretary said: I can't make any sense of it.

She called Jaan. He wasn't in the office. After a brief conversation with someone, she switched her tone a little bit - she became gentler and more cautious.

She asked for our documents. She asked us to choose one document: either a foreign passport, a Soviet passport, or a Green Card. We chose a foreign passport.

The Secretary said: What did Jaan tell you?

Iosif said: That he would try to help us find a job.
She typed an explanatory note on a small piece of paper.

The Secretary said: Do you have enough money to live on in Sweden? Would you be able to pay for moving expenses? Do you have any money in America that you could bring with you to Sweden?

Iosif said: No. I just recently got an Agency. (management).

The Secretary said: When do you suppose your financial situation might change?

Iosif said: I could be a millionaire right away, or I could be a pauper (Iosif poked fun at her).

The Secretary said: When are you planning to go?

Iosif said: When my daughter's school is over.

The Secretary said: Do you have relatives in America?

Iosif said: No.

The Secretary said: And in the Soviet Union?

Iosif said: Yes.

The Secretary said: Please fill in the appropriate box.

Iosif very calmly "pressed" the secretary, unattached, calmly. Marina needs to be always objective, objectively, without attachment, state everything.

It was agreed that the secretary would contact Jaan tomorrow, talk to him and then call us afterwards.

The Secretary said: Is this your phone number, where I can reach you?

Iosif said: Yes.

The Secretary said: With an extension? Is this a hotel?

Iosif said: No. It is a building with a switchboard.

Iosif said that northern people are a little arrogant. Money is everything to people. With money we could live in any country. But God tests the very essence of countries: what they will do, which choice they will make.
Iosif Andriasov (1933-2000), Composer/Philosopher. The Diary of Iosif Arshakovich Andriasov (Ovsep Andreasian) was kept by Marta Leonidovna Andriasova (Marina Kudryashova).

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