UK: Today a vaccination center in Windsor was successfully and lawfully closed. *See Description*

1 year ago

Today a vaccination center in Windsor was successfully and lawfully closed. Mark Sexton, Steve Forsythe and a third man were arrested however, on trying to leave the location on charges of 'aggravated trespass' (in an NHS clinic on public land) in additional counts of perversion and obstruction of the course of justice committed by local police ....

THE POLICE HAVE REFUSED TO SAY WHERE MARK SEFTON AND THE OTHER MEN ARE BEING HELD. THIS IS MOST CONCERNING. In the interest of the general public, it is absolutely unacceptable to falsely arrest and imprison our citizens to an undisclosed location.

For those who want police update they can quote crime reference number from Avon & Somerset Constabulary 5222236390 and ask if Thames Valley are getting involved in the investigation of the crimes against humanity that are occurring under their jurisdiction.

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