We do not choose the soil. (The Sower and the seed Matthew 13:1-23)

2 years ago

We do not choose the soil. (The Sower and the seed Matthew 13:1-23)
We are not the greatest gardeners, but we have grown to understand that the soil has a lot to do with the success of what ever you plant. A portion of our property that we garden on has dark rich soil that produces good nutrients for our plants and another portion has dry hard soil, plants planted here do not seem to do as well. Knowing this, we try to plant as much as we can in the fertile soil that is going to produce the biggest harvest for our family. This reasoning makes perfect sense when gardening for a bountiful fruit and vegetable harvest, but it makes zero sense when looking for a spiritual harvest. When seeking a spiritual harvest, you must sow the seed in every type of soil whether you feel like it will be fruitful or not. In fact, our job is not to examine the soil for fertileness, we are simply tasked with sowing seed ever where we go regardless how fertile or unfertile the soil seems.
Sometimes as believers, I believe that we are looking at the soil (people) around us and we try to pick and choose which soil is best for us to sow in, like we are planting a garden. We see certain types of soil (people) and say, they would never be receptive to this message, they would be offended by this and reject it, or I am not going to waist my time they will not listen any way. We try to find people who look and act like us because we feel like they will be good soil and a good fit for our congregations. The beauty of this parable is that the Sower did not discriminate on where the seed the sown, it went on every type of soil. We must stop trying to examine the soil and just start throwing it ever where we go, regardless of whether we think it is going to be fruitful or not. The gospel message is for everyone, it is just as much for the drug addict, prostitute, and murderer as it is for your neighbor, family, and friends. Jesus died for everyone, and everyone deserves to hear of His sacrifice and His message of hope and truth.

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