The Rock Almighty Shaker Of Heaven And Earth. Locked, Loaded, and Ready for Battle!

2 years ago

No doubt about it Warriors of Light we are all in a battle. Not just for our freedoms, liberties, prosperity, and peace, but in a battle for our souls.

Satan and his operatives have been hard at work since the beginning of time, undermining our minds to get us to not believe there is a God or that he cares anything about us.

As we who believe know that this is not true, we must not be weary in right doing as the scripture says. This battle is not fought with fists, armor, or guns; (at least for now in most cases). This battle must be won between our ears meaning our minds, wills, and emotions.

On today's show we illuminate this battle with some cool inspiration and the great PK Mitchell's rendition of a classic hymn that will have you ready for whatever the enemy chucks at you. Get after it! Rock on!

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Inspirational clip from:
Lion Of Judah
through DivineRevelations Spiritlessons

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