Blue Collar StartUp - Episode 14: Patrick Farnan (Next Level Finishes)

1 year ago

In this episode, our hosts Mike Nelson and Derek Foster interview Patrick Farnan from Next Level Finishes! Patrick really hit it home for us that running a successful business doesn't need to wait - it can start as soon as you're willing to put the time and work in!

Welcome to Blue Collar StartUp, the podcast! Our Mission is Simple: To facilitate the growth and development of Blue Collar businesses. We will showcase REAL Blue Collar businesses in interviews, and use these stories to help educate and empower the next generation of trades workers to become Blue Collar business owners.

Patrick Farnan - Next Level Finishes

00:16 - Introduction
01:21 - The First Six Months: Making the Transition and Learning From Your Mistakes
05:51 - The Moment: A Failure That Opens Your Eyes
08:20 - Starting (and Running) Your Own Business is Not Easy!
10:01 - The “Stepping Stone” - How to Approach Your Mentor
13:39 - Farnan’s Most Important Tip - Be Prepared For Anything!
14:37 - When Is It Time to Transition From Side Gig to Full-Time?
16:40 - Can a Finance Degree Help With Bookkeeping Operations?
18:37 - The Biggest Roadblock: Dealing With Naysayers (Inside Your Circle and Out!)
22:22: - College: Weigh the Cost and Benefits to You Carefully!
23:30 - Work Ethic: Where Has it Gone?
26:20 - Secret to Success: Hard Work, a Support System… And a Little Luck!
27:32 - Hiring: It’s Important to Learn How to Treat Your Workers!
30:36 - Mobile Phones: Boon to Consumers, Bane to Business Owners!
31:46 - Morning Routines
33:31 - What’s Next?
35:05 - Closing Thoughts & Contact Info

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