Al Qaeda is a contract army for the US - Ukrainian Nazis are supported by the West

2 years ago

Jimmy Carter, was convinced by Zbigniew Brzezinskiin, that to maintain US dominance Russia should never be allowed to Westernise. Brzezinski believed for the US to retain its position as the only superpower in a Unipolar world Russia should never be allowed to form an alliance with Europe, in particular Germany. Russia's resources and Germany's industrial might were seen as a direct threat to US hegemony. This would not only enrich Europe but it would create an environment where it no longer needed US protection and NATO would be made redundant. According to Brzezinski the Russian/German alliance would directedly threaten the US's dominance economically and militarily. Interestingly this was same fear British Imperialists had in the late 19th century.. Hence the Anglo/American elite have the policy of keeping Germany down, Russia out and the US in. The City of London is the world's financial capital and is a cabal that runs the world with the assistance of the US's military might. What we are seeing unfolding in Ukraine is the direct result of these elite's fears. They want to economically cripple Germany, demonise and isolate Russia, ensure that Germany is never again dependent on Russian energy. All to ensure the Rothschild/Rockefeller cabal remain in control and continue on to their NWO. To achieve this outcome they are willing to lead us into nuclear war if necessary.

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