COVID jab found to cause 84% increase in death for men aged 18-39 within 28 days post-injection

1 year ago

Florida performed a self-controlled study which showed that the risk of cardiac-related death increased 84% in the 28 days following injection. Read the study here:

Because of this enormous increase, Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo recommends that males under 40 years old should not get the COVID injection.

It seems to me that the real risk of cardiac-related death is probably significantly higher than 84% if you expand the observation window past 28 days, because a significant share of the deaths caused by the injections happen beyond 28 days after injection.

Participants were observed past 28 days, but if I understand correctly, their increased death rate (due to the jab) past 28 days was included in the calculation of the *baseline* rate. The selection of the 28 days risk period decreases the exposure rate and increases the baseline rate, thereby making the difference smaller.

Florida's press release

Florida's new guidance


The self-controlled case series study in Florida that shows increased risk of cardiac-related death | Dr. Jessica Rose

Florida study shows mRNA COVID vaccines kill kids | Steve Kirsch


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