Bloodlines Of The Illuminati! - Fritz Springmeier (Sep 26, 2022)

1 year ago

Dark Outpost 09.26.2022 Bloodlines Of The Illuminati! (Fritz Springmeier)

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Fritz Springmeier is an American researcher, historian and author, who has written a number of books claiming that satanic forces are behind a move toward world domination via various elite families and organizations. He has described his goal as "exposing the New World Order agenda." He joins us in the first hour. Former Secret Service agent and Customs Agent John Carman exposes the truth about Ukrainian child trafficking in the second hour. Dr. Bryan Ardis has more intel on the COVID bioweapon in hour three. Joshua Reid, founder of Red Pill Project and Host of the Daily Dose and Conversation On The Fringe Podcasts is with us in hour four. Leave the world you think you know behind and join us at the Dark Outpost!

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