Brain Teaser for Testing Your IQ: Can you Spot which student is cheating in

1 year ago
Brain Teaser for Testing Your IQ: In this brain puzzle, try to identify which student is cheating in the classroom and in the presence of a teacher. Only people with a high IQ can spot the cheater in this picture within 17 seconds!

Brain Teaser for Testing Your IQ: Brain puzzles make a simple riddle more interesting, as these fun games are solved with creative thinking. These types of IQ tests are a fun way to know your Intelligence Quotient. Such brain teasers will help you in testing your intelligence level based on the decision you make while looking at the problem. You need to think a little differently about coming on to the solution to this kind of brain teaser as the answer won’t be right in front of you. While solving these mind puzzles, you need to analyze the problem and arrive at the answer by using analytical skills. So, we have come up with an interesting brain teaser where you have to identify the student who is cheating inside the classroom.

Brain Teaser IQ Test: Can you Spot which student is cheating in the classroom within 17 seconds?
mage Source: Bright Side
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In the above image, you need to identify which student is cheating in the classroom. The puzzle challenges you to find “Who’s the cheating student?” There are many students sitting inside the classroom and giving the exam in the presence of a teacher. But there is one student who is trying to cheat in the exam.
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You are required to look at the image carefully before answering the question as the answer is quite simple but tricky. As a heads up, the answers to this brain teaser have been given right below the question, so make sure you don’t scroll too far and cheat!
Brain Teaser Answer
If you look at the students carefully, everyone is a bit puzzled and trying to write the paper. Everyone is either looking in front or left or right or wondering what to write on the exam paper. Also, the teacher is keeping a vigil on all the students inside the classroom. So, let’s identify which student is cheating in the classroom:

Image Source: Bright Side
Can you spot the fake watch in the picture?
If you look at the boy at the back sitting next to the right-corner student, then you will be able to spot that the boy has got the answers written on his arm. The boy is writing the paper while looking at his left arm. So, the answer to this mental quiz is that the boy who has answers written on his left arm is the one who is cheating in the exam.
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The above brain teaser is a simple test of your intelligence and observation skills. It requires lateral thinking to solve the puzzle within the stipulated time. However, you’ll definitely feel satisfied if you have figured out the answer in a few seconds. This brain teaser is just another fun way to test your IQ. However, taking an actual IQ test is a good way of knowing your IQ level.
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