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Weird Woods Encounter

2 years ago

East German Anon has a Weird Encounter in the woods. #paranormal #podcast #greentext #texttospeech #4chan #skinwalker #wendigo #fleshrake #crawler #fae #nephilim #giants #innawoods Newest Subscriber JJ the Khanman
Have you had a Weird Encounter in the Woods?
||||||||||||.................. 38% ⭐ Yes, I have https://yt.strms.net/tNRdb
||||||||...................... 25% ⭐ No, I haven't https://yt.strms.net/fg1cB
||||||||||||.................. 38% ⭐ I don't go to the woods https://yt.strms.net/iizIP


  • 0/2000
  • the nephilim. don't you think, as fellow earthlings, they'd prefer you don't intrude on their home? no one likes to be bullied out of their home. well, neither do they.

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  • they don't like the careless rude dabblers of witch covens or "paranormal investigators". the "wood crawlers" "wendigo" "skin walkers" "Nephilim", don't like you treating them like toys. they don't like bullies trying to bully them out of their own home. if you truly respect the dead, don't disturb them by bringing outsiders to their home! there are at least 7 different branches of nephilim.

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  • to say that belief in skin walkers is unique to north American Indians is a very narcissistic and self centered remark. natives, the red skinned north American Indians are not the only people on the earth that believes in witches, skin walker types of shape shifters or other types of extra-terra-s-trials. to attach the belief of skin walkers exclusively to indians is like associating slavery only with black people. it is very damning to make those claims because every color of people, and every bloodline of people have their beliefs of them. but leave the woods undeveloped. whatever you're belief, there are fellow earthlings and you need to stay out of the "deep places of the world". stay close to what you know.

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