The Real Reason the NFL Has Gone Soft | Roughing Tom Brady | Cowboys QB Controversy

2 years ago

“Football isn’t for women. Trying to make the game more palatable for women is a mistake.” The Atlanta Falcons were the latest victims of the feminization of NFL football. When referee Jerome Boger threw a "roughing the passer" penalty on Atlanta for a delicate sack of Tom Brady, the game was lost. Jason believes it's the softening of the league that poses a bigger threat to its popularity than any association with Black Lives Matter or anti-American sentiment. “People watch football because we’re entertained by seeing men flirt with danger in pursuit of a goal. Football is far less entertaining than it was 20 years ago before an onslaught of rules changes softened the game and demonized hard hits.” "Fearless" soldiers T.J. Moe and Steve Kim join Jason to discuss how the NFL’s pursuit of safety has damaged the game. Plus, "Last Chance U’s" Jason Brown brings his weekly breakdown of quarterback play across the NFL.

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