Unleashing Your Inner Guru with Jacquie McIntyre

1 year ago

We are conditioned from early childhood to truly believe that your happiness, your inspiration, your drive comes from outside you...usually the idea is that others give something to you that makes you do this. This separates and dissociates you from your own inner guru, your own limitless potential.

We are taught to look outside of us, to someone who might fit the label of guru or motivational person. And if we cant find them, or we can't get this motivation from people, then what?

Some of the biggest leaps in restoring my inner world of happiness, contentment and knowing who the heck I am to the core of my being, is from remembering that I am my own guru AND because of this, I write my own motivational speech's for me to me. And I say them outload in superwoman pose every morning and night.

Let's explore all of this and more...

I think you'll really enjoy this weeks episode of From The Table. And don't forget to let me know what your motivational speech is that you write to yourself.

Enjoy, Jacquie xx

These series of videos affectionately coined 'From the Table' are the insights, teachings and wisdom that come forth from each and every session that Jacquie facilitates for people globally- literally right from her physical and virtual table.

They are rich in Ah Ha moments and are designed to be offered in a way that we can each learn something about our self from the world around us, to help us have the best possible quality health, personal freedom and happiness.

Website: https://www.jacquiemcintyre.com/

Join the My Incredible Orbit Academy to skyrocket your return journey to self: https://www.jacquiemcintyre.com/my-incredible-orbit

GREAT Body Awareness with this Exercise
See the power of your thoughts and the instant effects they have on every single cells in your body, with this simple experiment.


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