Simple Qigong to Build Strength and Resilience

1 year ago

Here's another longer Qigong flow to help you build Qi and increase resilience in the body. Suitable for beginners or experienced practitioners alike.

We start by focusing on our breath and breathing with the whole body. Then we warm up with shaking, hydrate the joints with fresh energy and spread Qi throughout the fascial network, building energy awareness in the hands with the Qi Wave. We try a few minutes of standing meditation, Zhan Zhuang, building strength in the muscles, tendons and ligaments and replenish our organs and tissue with abundant, flowing energy. To close we spend some time tuning in to the Metal element, lungs and respiratory health with Dragon Clears a Path from the 12 Rivers sequence.

I hope you enjoy the longer class structured practice. Let me know how you get on in the comments and pop any questions in there too.

Don't forget to come and say hi on Instagram @qi_and_gong & if you like, you can also buy me a coffee here

Thanks for watching and practising with me!

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