WRIST-CONTROLLED Stealth Drone (X-47B UCAS) Unmanned Combat Air System Successfully Tested?

2 years ago

AREA 51 Video Tour Map© by UFO Seekers®:

While watching a US Navy video of an X-47B landing on an aircraft carrier, we noticed a small detail... The X-47B was controlled by pilots using some type of wrist device. You can see one of the individuals making inputs to the white wrist device with his hand. The device has a cable running to the back of the pilot's suit. You can see one individual in yellow look at the wrist device (video output?) then walk away. You can see the second pilot when the camera seems to shake. Was this really a test of the wrist device? Can a Navy SEAL, on a far away battlefield, control this drone from their wrist? Can they watch video output on their wrist? Launch munitions from their wrist?

July 10, 2013
Atlantic Ocean
US Navy

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#wristcontrol #drone #usnavy

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