street feast pei // recap

1 year ago

a short recap from day2 of Street Feast Block Party by Discover Charlottetown
moments of love, laughter, joy, communion and togetherness!
that's what i felt being apart of this festival for the first time,
the energy it radiated from start to finish,
was of wonder and magic,
i feel blessed to have been able to capture these moments
and just to be there in-person,
feeling and soaking it all in
after a tough shake up from fiona
this was the perfect way to round up the re-build and the cleansing; in my opinion,
humanity will always rise from any kind of adversity,
as long as love remains in the forefront
good food, good music, and good vibes
at the end of a storm, there's a golden sky 💚
/ // ///
but the night took quite a turn for me,
as after "Swift Kick - Taylor Swift Tribute" i decided to put down the camera and just enjoy the moment fully
as up next was "DJ Darcey, 90's Dance Party" and being a 90s kid i was super excited/intrigued to groove and dance along to the music that was to be played,
plus with the full moon being the night after, i was gearing up to release a whole lot of pent-up energy,
so i looked for Lori (friend/landlady)
who was there with her friends,
and after finding her, i asked if she had any drinks on her,
she told me that there were a few in the van in the parking lot,
she gave me the keys to it and i thought id leave my bag and my camera while im there,
so i dont have to worry about my stuff while im dancingm, right?
i even invited my brother Raj, to join; so he could get a sense of the vibe of the fest too;
but this is where the plot twists,
i put my stuff in the van, get back to kent street
and as i was entering the venue i get stopped by security
asking me for my ID,
// backstory;
a few days ago in a store in the city, i was asked for an ID,
i showed them my passport which was i had a virtual copy of in my phone; they accepted that and so i thought,
if such a moment came to be, during the fest,
id show them the ID i had on my phone //
so i replied to the security guard, "i dont have one on me, but i do have it on my phone" to which she replied
"i cannot accept that, i need to see a physical copy"
i persisted for about three times; could feel myself getting frustrated so i had to stop, realiseing that they too were just doing their jobs and yeah, i didnt have the necessary requirements to get back in the venue as per the rules
i phoned Lori, she came up to the front,
i explained the situation to her and she was absolutely fuming!
she tried her best dealing with the security guards but to no avail
i accepted the situation as i went back to the van to get my stuff and then to give the keys back to Lori,
i calmed her down and told her that id head home;
i put my headphones on,
reflecting on what had just happened, i smiled and thought of how the universe works in mysterious ways, haha
and then began my walk back home
a lot of lessons but
a night of magic to say the least,
but anyway
happy thanksgiving y'all!

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