Billy Meier: Phobol Cheng Visits The Ashoka Ashram

1 year ago

In 2000 Phobol Cheng visited the Asoka Ashram in New Delhi where in 1964 as a child she would watch Billy Meier walking around the ashram with Asket from the DAL universe.

Billy travelled extensively as a young man and visited 42 countries. In 1963 Billy arrived at the Ashoka Ashram in Mehrauli near New Delhi to study Buddhism.
The Ashoka Ashram was founded, built and run by a venerable monk called Dharmawara Mahathera whom Asket had sent Billy to see so he could study the original Buddhist teachings.
At that time, Dharmawara's two grandchildren, Phobol Cheng and her brother lived with him in the ashram where they were brought up and taught by him as their parents had entrusted them to his care due to the political unrest in Cambodia at that time.

Billy had left the Ashoka Ashram in 1967 and he did not hear from Dharmawara Mahathera for almost 27 years until his granddaughter, Phobol Cheng, contacted him.

In 1999 Phobol revealed for the first time that she and her grandfather had witnessed numerous UFO sightings over the Ashoka Ashram and that during that time, Phobol and her brother also saw Billy in conversations with extraterrestrials (Asket). Phobol explained that her grandfather Dharmawara Mahathera also had encounters with a blue-skinned race who, were rumoured to have come from the underground city of Agartha but whether he also had contact with the Plejaren we will never know.

"I used to have when I was 8 years old, my first notice of visitation. In the evening, late in the evening, when I finish my studies of my tutor and go to bed -- my brother and I share a room -- and I would put us to bed and they would leave. I would have this lady who just appeared in the room and would come to me, and then I would fall asleep. The first time it happened I didn't understand what it was, but it felt so wonderful I felt I was perfectly at home and was with my parents, although my mother was in Cambodia. But I felt very comfortable -- very, very at home, very comforted, and peaceful, and fell asleep. A while later the same thing happened, but this time she would come and pat my head; she would sit at the edge of my bed, put my head on her lap, and, I could say, sing me to sleep, but she didn't sing. She didn't use -- there were no words, it wasn't a tone even, it's not a humming. There was some high-pitched tone that was so beautiful to my ear that I would right away fall asleep. It goes on for a little while like that. And I would ask my brother, who was 6 years old at that time, and he said "Yes, he remembered," but he didn't see any being coming to him and [but?] he would sense the presence. So after a while, I would kind of look forward to her coming."

Phobol Cheng 1999

Contact Report 602 (extract) -

15. "That's why they called you Doctor Saab, but also Snake-Catcher Saab because you also caught cobras, vipers and scorpions.

16. And because you also had two rhesus monkeys – which you took with you to Switzerland – you were also called 'Monkey-Man' and 'Monkey Saab', but also 'Flying Saucer Man', because you often walked around the Ashram area with Asket and you were watched, as was her aircraft, when she came to visit you".

"That was a good time back then, and I like to remember it. Phobol Cheng, the niece of the ashram monk, Swami Dharmawara, was about ten years old at that time. A few years after my departure from Ashoka Ashram, she emigrated with her brother and her uncle, Dharmawara, to the USA, where Phobol played a role at the UN. Wendelle Stevens met her in New York, where she told him about Asket, her beam ship and me, what she had seen and experienced in the Ashram in Mahrauli. She came to visit me twice in the centre, but unfortunately, I haven't heard from her for a long time".

17. "I also think that you like to remember this time, which is why I can understand that you have good memories of this time".

Note: This video is sourced from - FIGU

Phobol Cheng's 1999 Talk at Laughlin, Nevada (transcript) -

Phobol Cheng Interviewed by Michael Hesemann -

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