Avoid Bitterness – Choose Righteousness

2 years ago

Download the lesson text here: https://8a7b80e1-c6c9-44a1-bb17-70fd711fd286.filesusr.com/ugd/e575c5_f497460fb1304e3c9c07464e4cc04fe6.docx?dn=CT%202%20-%20choosing%20%2BR.docx

One of the universal issues that God is allowing to play out in angelic & human history is the fact that He designed the universe so that every creature must align itself with Him as His servants in order to grow & thrive. Any deviation from His will initiates a process of deterioration leading to death. This very narrow road [Mat 7:14] & the consequences of wandering from it are determined by God’s righteousness (+R). He contends that designing the universe this way was the right thing to do and enforcing the consequences of the choices all creatures make is righteous and necessary. Creatures, having been created with volition & the freedom to desire/act contrary to God’s will, it is inevitable or likely that all creatures will eventually want/choose contrary to Him. This deviation from His will is unrighteousness (-R) leading to death & destruction. This is the frame in which angels & humans are passing through time moving toward an eternity.

For more studies or to get in contact with Al go to https://alrosenblum.com

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