Progressives make homelessness worse

1 year ago

Progressives worsen crime and homelessness. Yet, failed ideas boost them in the Democrat party.
- Leslie "Defund the police" Herod (D), who worsened crime and fentanyl deaths, is now Denver mayoral candidate.
- Brittany "safe injection sites" Pettersen (D) is now a Congressional candidate.
Both made Colorado a worse place to live, enabled by Colorado Gov. Jared Polis (D).

Homelessness isn't caused by affordable housing but by addiction and mental illness. Yet, Colorado progressives push homebuilding as treatment, and worse: giving homeless addicts money to buy drugs (madness) or "safe" locations to shoot up (careless foolishness).

A better solution is to use law enforcement to get addicts and mentally ill off the streets and into rehab & treatment.

Video courtesy: CBS 4 (Denver), Fox 31 (Denver), Denver 7, 9 News (Denver), KTLA (LA), NBC 4 (LA), America's Voice News.

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