Gerald Causse | Our Earthly Stewardship | October 2022 General Conference | Faith To Act

2 years ago

Our Earthly Stewardship
By Bishop Gérald Caussé

Presiding Bishop

Great spiritual blessings are promised to those who love and care for the earth and their fellow men and women.

While visiting our native country of France, my wife and I recently had the pleasure of taking a few of our grandchildren to explore a magnificent garden situated in the little town of Giverny. We enjoyed wandering along its paths to admire the beautiful flower beds, the elegant water lilies, and the light playing on the ponds.

Monet Gardens
This amazing place is the result of the creative passion of one man: the great painter Claude Monet, who, for 40 years, tenderly shaped and cultivated his garden to make it his painting workspace. Monet immersed himself in nature’s splendor; then, with his paintbrush, he conveyed the impressions he felt with strokes of color and light. Over the years, he created an extraordinary collection of hundreds of paintings, directly inspired by his garden.

Claude Monet, Water Lilies
Painting from Musée d’Orsay, Paris, France / Bridgeman Images

Brothers and sisters, our interactions with the beauties of nature around us can produce some of the most inspiring and delightful experiences in life. The emotions we feel kindle within us a deep sense of gratitude for our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, who created this magnificent earth—with its mountains and streams, plants and animals—and our first parents, Adam and Eve.1

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