13 Walking Mistakes and How To Fix Them

2 years ago

Most of us have fallen victim to at least one of these, I fear. Certainly, I am. Leave your comments. Until then, take care.


AARP: “Walk Your Way to a Better Life.”

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons: “Distracted Walking.”

American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine.

American Council on Exercise: “Are You Wearing the Right Shoes For Your Workout?” “Are Your Running Shoes Hurting You?”

Appalachian Mountain Club: “Reflective Clothing For Bikers, Runners, And Walkers.”

BMC Public Health: “The influence of dog ownership on objective measures of free-living physical activity and sedentary behaviour in community-dwelling older adults: a longitudinal case-controlled study.”

BMJ Open: “High-heeled shoes and musculoskeletal injuries: a narrative systematic review.”

The Coca Cola Company.

Colon Cancer Coalition: “Fitness walking do’s and don’ts.”

Consumer Reports: “Athletic Shoe Buying Guide.”

Harvard Health Publishing: “Perfecting your walking technique,” “Marching orders: How to start a walking program,” “Walking: Your steps to health.”

Journal of Community Health: “Distracted pedestrian behavior on two urban college campuses.”

Journal of Physical Activity & Health: “Dog ownership and physical activity: a review of the evidence.”

Journal of Theoretical Biology: “On high heels and short muscles: A multiscale model for sarcomere loss in the gastrocnemius muscle.”

Mayo Clinic: “Proper walking technique.”

Michigan State University MSU Today: “Dog Walkers More Likely To Reach Exercise Benchmarks.”

National Safety Council: “Take Steps to Avoid Injury or Death While Walking.”


UPMC Health Matters: “Tips for good walking posture.”

Safe Kids Worldwide: “Teens on the Move.”

State of Victoria Department of Health & Human Services: “Walking tips,” “Walking for good health.”

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