When Wisdom, Work, and Pleasure don't Equal ZERO

2 years ago

WHEN and HOW does Pleasure+Work+Wisdom= ZERO? Isn't Solomon and the book of Ecclesiastes just taking a pessimistic, negative view of life? OR is there something MORE than we need to learn about life under the sun?

Join Anna, Garrick, and Ryan as they discuss Ecclesiastes chapter 2 and discover WHEN and HOW life DOES have meaning and when it doesn't.

We all look for MEANING in life. Meaning is usually found in our motivations for doing what we're doing or what we're allowing to become a priority in our LIFE. By allowing God to CORRECT the reason WHY we do what we do, we will find that life does have meaning.

Maybe we can rediscover what happens when we live for HIM and OTHERS, and not for our selfish pursuits.

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