Liberty Relearned Podcast: Equal Treatment

1 year ago

From 10/9/22 episode: Are pro-lifers being singled out for prosecution? Eleven pro-life activists have been arrested for allegedly preventing people from entering an abortion clinic. Another pro-life activist, Paul Vaughn* was arrested by the FBI for violation of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (FACE Act). He reportedly pushed a pro-abortion activist in response that person menacing his kid at an otherwise peaceful protest. meanwhile, no arrests are known to have been made in connection with a series of attacks on Pro-life pregnancy centers, churches, and other concerns by pro-abortion terrorists. According to an article by Mary Margaret Olohan in the Daily Signal, these charges against pro-lifers are part of a disturbing pattern of unequal treatment of pro-lifers vs. pro-choice activists.

According to the article: “At least 83 Catholic churches and 73 pregnancy resource centers or pro-life organizations have been attacked since the draft opinion was leaked in May.

Some of these pro-life centers and organizations told The Daily Signal that they have not heard anything from federal authorities—though the FBI said it is investigating 'a series of attacks and threats targeting pregnancy resource centers, faith-based organizations, and reproductive health clinics across the country, as well as to judicial buildings, including the U.S. Supreme Court.”

These events represent a greater pattern of the DOJ seeming to pursue people alleged to have committed crimes on the right with much more vigor and intensity than they do people on the left. Hillary Clinton was accused of having classified documents in an unclassified environment and was not charged. President Trump was accused of the basically the same thing, and the left is screaming for him to be charged. Substantial evidence exists suggesting Hunter Biden has committed numerous felonies, and as yet has not been charged. (Charges may be pending). In some cases, President Biden has been tied his son's alleged illegal activities and those of his various businesses. President was impeached twice on spurious charges, President Biden has yet to be impeached, much less charged with arguably more serious crimes of influence peddling and opening the office up to blackmail by foreign entities. Everyone is entitled to equal justice under the law. Evidence so far suggests that the Democrats and their allies in the deep state pursue conservatives accused of crimes with much more vigor than they do left-wingers.

*Editor's Note: The Signal article quoted has the father charged with a FACE violation as Mark Houck, another article seemingly describing the same incident gives the name as Paul Vaughn.

Until next time,

Stay healthy, happy, and free!

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